About Us


Hi, I'm Sara.

If you're here, you probably know that creating anything of value, anything that lasts longer than a season, requires that we share our work in the most meaningful, clear, concise, and elegant way possible. It's that simple, and that hard.

Why is this so hard? Because most people can feel the undercurrents of their genius, and they see the transformation it has given their clients, but they can't really describe it. They often haven't done the work to plumb the depths and understand the meaning of their body of work and how they really operate. They can't see the wine label because they're standing in the bottle.

Let's say you're the CEO who is ready to move on to a different phase of life, but you don't quite know what's next. You want help writing a memoir or manifesto that not only captures your stories but helps you reflect on the last half of your life so you see yourself (and what you're capable of) clearly. Or let's say you're the entrepreneur who's amassed an incredible amount of experience and stories and you're ready to move on to teaching and speaking about your expertise. You want help solidifying your philosophy, the teachable method or principles that will catch like fire within the minds of your audience.

That's where I come in. In over a decade of working with clients, publishers, and agents to create Wall Street Journal and New York Times bestselling books, I learned a thing or two about what makes a book, creative work, an idea, or a teachable philosophy good. What makes it stick. What makes it win awards from places like Nautilus, Bloomsbury, Axiom, Reviewers Choice, Indie Excellence, and Independent Press, as my clients have. And what makes it stick is depth, meaning, and symbolism.

I help entrepreneurs, leaders, and teams hold up the mirror and reflect on where they've been so they can see where they're going. Through bespoke creative coaching, writing, and philosophy development, I help you understand what you're really doing when you do your best work, and how you can do it even better.

On a personal note, I'm an avid reader (naturally), love to travel widely and for as long as I can, and I have a daughter named Lily, a partner named Ryan, and an 82-pound goldendoodle who thinks he's a lapdog. I keep a personal blog on substack (a ladder to the stars), and I've spent a considerable amount of time studying narrative medicine, logotherapy, creative process, spiritual practice and shamanic work, all of which inform my work with my clients.

@ Copyright 2024 Sara Stibitz | All rights reserved